• jan pona ale o kama pona a!

    this is my website where I post journal entries, and writings. I made it so my friends can see what I'm up to

    psst! click the kitty :3

  • your honor, I am so eepy

    Dad fixed the AC!! I get to SLEEEEEEP. Last night was pretty awful but I did manage to get a (i think) few hours of sleep at least. Baby cat woke me up at 10:40 by standing on me and meowing. I had a dream about hang gliding, it was nice. It was a long dream and I don't remember most of it well. I do remember there was an instructor or something, I saw the hang glider near a cliff, couldn't help myself and stole it. I flew over hills and fields that looked like the ones by my aunt's house in California, but the grass was green, and there were herds of highland cows.
    I felt very good in the morning (latent period) but am very tired now at almost midnight (sleep or death)

    The court hearing for my name change is tomorrow afternoon. I'm very excited, but also a little nervous. I have to go in front of a judge and say why I want to change it. I'm not sure how much of a pain it's going to be to have my ID, and documents updated
    I got a bunch of free stuff from work, i just ate a fried egg on a slice of brioche it was delicious

    I have been listening to prime tiki time a playlist my friend made

    about me:

    I like animals, art, riding my bike, making food, and seeing my friends.

    Youtube Playlist
    A growing collection of youtube videos with low veiws. My requirement is that it has under 10k views, but most are fewer than 5k, some of them have under 100 when I add them. I find some genuinely cool stuff, some cute stuff, and some stuff thats a little scary.

    Stamp collection
    check out the stamps I've made. Feel free to save them and share them anywhere :3

    about the website:

    I took the layout from xkcd. Learned to use html
    with much help from my friend, internet based ghosts. posts may be uploaded a day or two after they're written

    Cool Music
    this is like the other youtube playlist but for music

    Chicken Smoothie
    chickemsmoothie is an old school virtual pet wesite. It started in 2008 and is still very active! The link its to my profile. if you have an account, send me a trade :D