• jan pona ale o kama pona a!

    this is my website where I post journal entries, and writings. I made it so my friends can see what I'm up to

    psst! click the kitty :3

  • first entry!

    This is my first entry!!! woohoo!!! website finally done (mostly) there's still a few things to do, and i'll probably tweak the color and layout over time. I'm sorry in advance for any poor grammar or punctuation. I'll get better as I write more. Speaking of...
    The writing button does not work, since I don't have any to share yet. I'm also not sure where it will link to. I don't feel like setting it up like the journal, which was the original plan. I'll probably create an account somewhere like A03 or Wattpad. There's a site called royalroad that seems like a good option. also less embarrassing than the other two.
    The cat stamp at the top of the page links to Catland. Which is, in its own words "an archive and gallery of high quality scans of images, paintings and other artwork produced by prolific cat and kitten illustrator Louis Wain." Unfortunately catland is currently down, but should be back up in the near future.
    Right now I'm working on a tokiponido made up of cat noises. It doesn't have a term for itself yet but in toki pona its "toki mu" language of animal noises. I started working at a cafe, and I really like it. I don't know much about coffee, so learning how to make drinks is a bit intimidating, but everyone has been really nice, so that helps. I get free food which is so awesome. I'm really trying to save money before I go to California so I'm gonna be eating a lot of old bagels.
    Yesterday Someone tossed the salmon salad I made. it was supposed to be my dinner. Then when I went to get one of my bagels, I saw they were moldy and I almost cried. But I didn't
    I finally bought a real bike lock. The other night I went to insomnia cookie and forgot to bring one. i was worried someone would steal it but it was fine. riding has been easier, I go up hills without as much trouble. I think my legs are getting stronger. The best is listening to music while I ride. this song is my favorite for that right now. I might make a playlist of my best bike riding music.


    I've been listening to the album Doopee Time by The Doopees
    :3 listen for yourself:
    spotify youtube

    about me:

    I like animals, art, riding my bike, making food, and seeing my friends.

    stamp collection
    check out the stamps I've made. Feel free to save them and share them anywhere :3

    about the website:

    I took the layout from xkcd
    figured out html with much help from my friend

    youtube playlist
    A growing collection of youtube videos with low veiws. My requirement is that it has under 10k views, but most are fewer than 5k, some of them have under 100 when I add them. I find some genuinely cool stuff, some cute stuff, and some stuff thats a little scary.

    Chicken Smoothie
    chickemsmoothie is an old school virtual pet wesite. It started in 2008 and is still very active! The link its to my profile. if you have an account, send me a trade :D